【同义词辨析】 2020-01-13 干涉meddle-tamper

meddle: suggests officiousness and an acting without right or permission of those properly concerned: they will tolerate no ~ing in their affairs.   officious爱管闲事过分殷勤implies the offering of services or attention that are unwelcome or annoying,如an officious salesman followed me outside一个过分殷勤的销售员跟着我出了门,如an officious bystander一个爱管闲事的旁观者)  (中文里,”闲事”有2个意思 1、无关紧要的事 2、跟自己没有关系的事,这里用2)

interfere: implies a meddling in such a way as to hinder, interrupt, frustrate, disorder, or defeat, although not necessarily with conscious intent: the rain ~d with their game.   disorder失常frustrate挫折,因中英文词汇差异,已隐含在defeat里,不需要再分别译出)  hinder和interfere互释,表示阻碍

intermeddle: suggests a meddling impertinently and officiously and in such a way as to interfere: government agencies ~ing in their business.  (impertinent无礼的implies exceeding the bounds of propriety in showing interest or curiosity表示兴趣时违反礼节,如a little brat asking impertinent questions一个问无礼问题的小鬼)  

tamper: implies a seeking to make unwarranted alterations, to perform meddlesome experiments, or to exert an improper influence, and may but need not suggest corruption or clandestine operation: obvious signs that the lock had been ~ed with. 原文说"不一定是暗中改动损坏need not suggest…",但没有见到不是暗中的例子,所以未采用

meddle干涉: 表示未经他人允许管闲事,interfere干涉干扰: 表示严重干涉,致使他人被阻碍打断击败,既可指有意也可指无意,intermeddle干涉干扰: 更强调无礼地管闲事,tamper篡改: 表示暗中改动试验影响

记忆方法: 1)首字母MIIT想成MIT麻省理工和I我<==互不干涉

     2)干涉的意思是无礼地管别人的事mean to concern oneself with someone or something officiously, impertinently, or indiscreetly.